In Honor and Memory of My Father and Teacher Leonard Konigsburg

On April 29, 2007 (11 Iyyar 5767) my father and my teacher, Leonard Konigsburg went to claim his portion in Olam Habah. I dedicate these lessons to my father who was an inspriation in my life and through his gentle teachings became the founder of the Konigsburg Rabbinic Dynasty.

Monday, February 18, 2008

15-5768: Mitzvah N-9 & 10

Talmidav Shel Aharon
15-5768: Mitzvah N-9 & 10
February 4, 2008

Negative Mitzvah 9 – It is a negative commandment to make no idol to worship
Hafetz Hayim: For Scripture says, “You shall not make yourself a graven image” (Ex. 20:4) If a person transgressed and made one, whether he fashioned it himself or he ordered it made, he should be given whiplashes. If he made it himself for himself, he should be given whiplashes twice (see next Mitzvah). It is in force everywhere, in every time, for both men and women.
Negative Mitzvah 10 – It is a negative commandment not to make any idol to be worshipped (by himself or anyone else), even for a heathen.
Hafetz Hayim: For Scripture says, “and do not make yourselves molten gods” (Lev. 19:4) If a person transgressed and made one, he should receive whiplashes. It is in effect everywhere, at every time, for both men and women.

Judaism has seen itself at times as militantly anti-pagan. Idolatry is considered to be a poison, a cancer, and an addiction that can grow through a society and corrupt an entire people. The incident of the golden calf at Mt. Sinai and the incident in the book of Numbers regarding Baal-Peor (Parshat Balak) both point to the corrosive nature of paganism. Monotheism is difficult. Paganism is easy. Monotheism requires responsibility. Pagan theology promotes a lack of accountability. Judaism is about justice. Paganism is about frivolity. Since Judaism sees human beings as often taking the course of least reistance, worshiping an idol represents just about everything that Judaism opposes. Paganism cannot be allowed to continue to corrupt human values.
You may think that this is a mitzvah from a bygone era, but even in these modern times, we worship the things we have created. An idol is an object of worship that is made by human hands. Paul Tillich, the great theologian, defined faith as a state of being “Ultimately Concerned”. If the focus of our ultimate concern is less than ultimate, then it is idolatry. Idolatry is about being ultimately concerned about something that is not ultimate. This could be almost anything around us. It is one thing to love our work; it is another to worship money. It is one thing to want to relax in front of the Television; it is another if we build our live around one show or commentator. Some people can only see the value of an education as a goal, not as a means to an end. We all know people who have their priorities all messed up, putting things before family and self. Yet, even our worship of self can be idolatrous since it blinds us to the needs and concerns of others. There are those who make the trappings of Religion into objects of worship. For example, those who only see their own understanding of Biblical verses and not open their minds to other interpretations have made an idol out of the book.
An unseen, all-powerful G-d who makes demands of us and who holds us accountable for our actions in this world should be a faith that requires our full attention. Being able to choose a pagan god that fits our mood of the moment or our need to get off the hook can seem to be a lot more fun. Soon, however we find that we are either looking for new ways to get our fun or we begin to see that there is a deeper kind of enjoyment that comes from caring and concern for others and the demands that our Judaism puts upon us. There is a deeper love that comes from living a spiritual life, one not tainted by idolatry. There is a deeper fulfillment that comes with putting our faith in what is ultimate, and not clinging to every fad. We do ourselves a great harm when we fashion an idol in our lives and we need to be ever vigilant to prevent that from happening. Making the idol is bad. To worship it is worse and that will be the focus of the next two Mitzvot.


Anonymous said...

The wording of that negative commandment is strange. To be thorough and to fully clarify, I ask: to not create an idol? Or an idol to worship? (assuming idols to worship is different than idols we don't worship)
while I have learned the no graven images clause - meaning no idols, period...for clarification's and thoroughness's sake, can the commandment be worded to provide a less ambiguous sentence.

Therefore I find it worthwhile clarify, that the commandment is that one should not create an idol to While I know it to mean, not to create idol worship, it

Unknown said...

Rabbi K. replies: I know the wording is weird since it is taken from Hebrew and translated into English. I go with what the Hafetz Hayyim wrote. The intent here is concerning an idol, which by definition, is an object that is used in worship. Judaism does not use idols. Relgions that do are considered by Judaism to be "no religion" and their objects of worship are "not gods". As Jews, we are forbiddent to traffic in making or selling the objects even if we are not sure that they will beused for worship or not. If we run a trinket shop that has historical objects once worshipped but may not be worhipped anymore, we still can not make or sell them.

Anonymous said...

would a muzzah not be considered a idol? it is decorative adornment, we kiss it when entering or leaving a room. why would this not be considered an idol?

Anonymous said...

When we make a symbol of something are we not elevating it to a representation of Deity by pledging with an oath to it? Does not elevating the flag to a position of pledging an oath to it make it an idol?

Unknown said...

Renee's comments only require some clarification. Not everything in the world is an idol. There is no Mitzvah to kiss a mezuzah. The only Mitzvah is to put the words on the doorposts of our homes. Kissing it is a sign of respect for what it represents, the unity of G-d and our requirment to keep it with us where ever we go. If someone is kissing it as an amulet that will bring them good luck, than they have made it into an object of superstion and would be in violation. Similarly, when we salute the flag or say a pledge of alligence (I am not so sure that this is an "oath") We are affirming our connection to what the flag stands for, which is not another god but for loyalty to our country. Loyalty to a country, a government or to a political ruler is not the same as having faith in a different religion. Maybe one can make the claim of an oath to a different religion when one salutes the flag of the Vatican but most countries today are political entities not religions and one can pledge alligance to them and not violate the prohibition of idolatry.